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Amazon customer review form Any customer feedback that results in low ratings for a product can be damaging to a seller's profile. Amazon now prioritizes products that are highly rated, well-priced, and available to ship immediately by adding an "Amazon's Choice" flag to the product. Product reviews - Amazon allows customers to write product reviews on product pages, so there's no need for product reviews in seller feedback comments too. Transaction feedback has to be a review of the service the customer received from the seller, not a review of the product they ordered. For non-FBA listings, negative feedback about product condition, shipping, and delivery will not be removed since non-FBA sellers are responsible for those tasks. [Source] A few Dos and Don'ts of this stage: Don't offer buyers a refund in exchange for negative feedback removal. Offering a full refund is against Amazon's rules, and you can have your Amazon seller account suspended if you attempt such a scheme. Instead of sellers giving out refunds, Amazon wants sellers to take the time to understand problems and address them properly. Over the long term, a few negative ratings here and there won't ruin you if you focus on improving your business and offering amazing customer service. With these goals in mind, sellers will have no trouble thriving in the Amazon marketplace. faux saint laurent bag

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